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Raja Yoga Meditation - Achieving An Integration Of Mind And Body
...ave been put into five categorizes. It all starts with the primarily material state and ends at the state that is primarily spiritual. Let me give you a brief insight into each of these states of mind... The first state is known as Kshipta. This is a state when mind is not focused to the present. It wanders here and there and pursues everything all over the place. Most of us live wit...more
Practice Jnana Yoga for Optimum Mental Health
...but how can Yoga help you?We have all heard Yoga is a good “mind and body exercise,” but how does a Yoga student exercise his or her mind through Yoga practice. How can Yoga help you develop mental strength? Let’s look at one of the many styles of Yoga, to find answers, and acquire optimum mental health.Jnana Yoga is the union of mind, body, and spirit, through acquired knowledge. It is true th...more
Ashtanga Yoga - What's It All About
...t series, but with the inclusion of several extra poses. The final set of exercises in this series is called Sthira Bhaga, which is Divine Permanence. This is the final and most advanced of all forms in the practice, and involves mastering the initial exercises beforehand.Ashtanga Yoga is a lifetime passion which involves seriou...more
Yoga in Practice: Projecting Happiness
...kti Yoga is universal to all people of all religions. A person who sings, prays, worships, and helps another person is practicing this form of Yoga - whether they have heard of Bhakti Yoga or not. It does not matter what religion you are because singing, praying, worshiping, forgiving, and helping are morally right.To quote one of the most enlightened men of the 20th centu...more
Yoga is a Great Way to Exercise
... be stress relief. Many people say that after practicing yoga they feel more relaxed and their problems seem to have gone away. This is caused in large part by the breathing exercises. When the body takes in more oxygen, it increases the blood flow throughout the body. This helps rid the body of toxins, which can have a negative ...more


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