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Chair Yoga - Yoga For Everyone, Including Workaholics And Seniors
...cs And Seniors Chair yoga is just what it sounds like: gentle yoga done sitting on a chair or with the aid of a chair, either as part of a yoga class, or for anyone too busy to do formal yoga classes. Chair yoga has caught on with seniors, and at retirement communities, because it's safe and suitable for those who have trouble getting up and down, and who have stiff joints.The poses f...more
Relieve Back Pain With Yoga
...ith viniyoga, you are improving your back, without placing any further strength on it. Yoga also focuses on the mind, allowing the pain sufferer to benefit from awareness, further giving them control over the pain. Yoga also works to improve posture and create a comfort zone while in the proper posture, eliminating and...more
Diabetic Students and Yoga - What to Expect
...ygen to the body helps everything function better; and several glands within the endocrine system are vitalized. Yoga helps retain the elasticity of blood vessels and reduces high blood pressure, in some cases. Additionally, lethargy and depression are relieved by these effects on the body.Practicing Yoga, on a regular basis, helps diabetics increase nerve function a...more
What Yoga Can Do for You?
...dhism, Sikhism and other religions in India.There are four main classifications of Yoga namely Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jhana Yoga and Raja Yoga. Each of the classification has individual features and practices. These are also comprised of elements inherited from the ancient beliefs of the people.Some of the benefits of yoga practices are:• Enhances and...more
Part II: Yoga and Weight Lifting Go Perfectly Together
... to your exercise routine and you will see improvements in all areas of your body.I realize that a lot of huffing and puffing and grunting go along with weightlifting, but you might be amazed to find what you can do with a quiet mind and a focused body. Yoga will provide that edge to do more than ever before.As the old saying goes, "There are more than o...more


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