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What is Yoga
...are seeking. There is a common misconception that yoga is a religion. In truth, yoga is not a religion. It is a practical aid that deals with universal truths, and its methods have been shown to enhance one’s beliefs, thus cultivating a deeper spiritual awareness.The popularity of yoga in this country continues to thrive. This ancient practice...more
The Many Forms Of Yoga
...r, and Bikram.Let's start with the one that is gaining a lot of attention lately: Bikram. Bikram yoga is also known as "hot yoga," and since its inception people have been yearning to learn these exercises. This movement was first begun by Bikram Choudhury many years ago with the intent that it would become an intense form of yoga. Bikram is done in an extremely hot room (usually 95 to 1...more
Yoga for Stress Relief - Learn Some Simple Techniques
...ople most of the time breathe through the chest. This shallow breathing is caused by tension and stress. Breathing deeply through the belly oxygenates the muscles thereby relieving tension. Fill up your lower abdomen by breathing in. Contract the same area by breathing out. Do the breathing through your nose. Thi...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Your Classroom Communication Skills
..., and addresses each student's needs. This is much different from being a public speaker because of the student / teacher relationship.Yet, a public speaker must also establish a bond, develop trust, and create an open atmosphere. In any type of classroom setting, the student should never be afraid to ask a question. The open environment enables th...more
Practice Yoga to Develop Patience
...itioner would practice Pranayama (Yogic breathing techniques) or mentally perform mantra anywhere. These Yogic methods do not require you to carry anything with you.Yet, you could also practice Jnana Yoga (Union though knowledge) by carrying audio books, a lap top computer, or a book. Any of these m...more
