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When Does One Become A Yoga Teacher?
...nowledge, but there is much more to this, in order to become a Yoga teacher. It is daily experience, gained through teaching Yoga students, which causes a Yoga teacher to further evolve beyond the initial teacher certification process. Practical knowledge and experience becomes a “treasure chest” for any Yoga teacher.Teaching Yoga is a journey...more
Yoga - The Psychological Benefits
...overed a connection between mood and recreational exercise. Those who participated in exercise at least two times a week had some positive effects on mood. There were fewer signs of depression and anger found among these individuals. Moreover, the ones who participated in these exercises more than tw...more
Yoga For Health level. If you have never tried yoga, make sure you take it slowly. Yoga is about progression. Before you know it, you will see real results and reach the goals you've set.Achieving long and healthy life requires strict daily regimen in terms of diet and medical supplements. This will slow down aging process. Following are ways of achieving a long and ...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Yoga and Arthritis
...ion and flexibility in the lower legs. These very basic movements, along with full body poses, such as the corpse pose, are a good place to begin.Care should be taken in the number of repetitions and the length of time a position is held for students with arthritis. Poses recommended for osteoarthritis include Trikoasana (triangle pose), Urdvh...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: What is Normal?
...what is normal and what the ultimate goal is.Many Yoga teachers have a preconceived notion about which kind of behavior is acceptable within their Yoga class. When you trained to become a Yoga teacher, you listened to lectures about Yoga teacher ethics. You learned about what you could and should not do, when teaching a Yoga class. Later, you sig...more


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