
Books On Yoga For Over 50


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Yoga Teacher Training: Becoming a Yoga Teacher after 40
...o an automobile. When you are a young driver, you really learn about auto parts the hard way: When they break down and cost you money. Your friends will also tell you about their experiences with auto maintenance. You can sit in a class and learn about auto mechanics to your heart’s content, but the lesson is not the s...more
Yoga in Practice: Living in the Present Moment
...and plan your future, with an improved perspective of each. Past, present, and future are valuable, but each is important in a different way.Let’s first address the past. Many people are “prisoners” to their past. When you look at past lessons, mistakes, and set-backs, each is as valuable as any form of higher education. ...more
Practical Applications of Yogic Philosophy - Perception and Myth
...hin the lesson, and if possible, to be without distractions. If there are any distractions going on in the mind, you should learn not to judge yourself harshly because you were not mentally present in your Yoga class.To be “in the moment,” or to be mentally present for your Yoga practice, is the key to advan...more
Yoga Basics For Beginners
... what is working. When you surrender into the moment, life feels a little bit better. Moment by moment you create balance.Yoga simply means “yoke” or “union”. Most of the yoga currently taught in the West is a physical form called Hatha. Translated literally from 5000 year old Sanskrit, this means sun and moon. There are probably as many...more
The Second Chakra, The Dwelling Place of the Self
...cifically organs/glands/parts of the body associated with this chakra are:¥ Reproductive organs;¥ All liquids in the body - the circulation of blood, urine, menstruation, tears;¥ Hips, sacrum, low back; and¥ Kidneys.When the second chakra is balanced, our emotions flow easily like water, we are cool headed and vibrant at the same time. With a ...more


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