
Books On Tantric Yoga


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Bhakti Yoga - The Science of Devotion
...ject of his devotion.Bhakti yoga assumes that there is a higher power that has created the universe and is all-powerful. This power has the capacity to confer grace and mercy on him and thus protecting him from all the harms and evils. The devotee or bhakta is expected to make himself fit for receiving this divine grace. For this, he has to practice devotion and virtue. His ult...more
A Short History of Yoga
...self means union, and yoga was taken to mean any path which led the spiritual seeker to union with his highest Self, or union of the individual soul with the Universal Soul. In this sense, Yoga can trace its origins far back to the dawn of spirituality, to the time of the ancient Vedic seers, and possibly even before.Over time, different...more
Are DVD's on Pilates and Yoga Worth the Purchase?
... looking into.This author did get his appetite whetted via such forms of educational media so, yes, DVD’s on Pilates & Yoga can be useful-as long as you remember to not just stop with those options only though.Your own practice, research online and in books will definitely not hurt and could possibly help immensely...more
What Is Ashtanga Yoga?
...: Withdrawal of the senses, which would mean total cut off from the outside world and the concentration level increases in making your mind a haven for all the positive energy.6. Dharana: Concentration, something which would help you to concentrate without any level of distraction.7. Dhyana: Meditation and concentration on things which are your main objective but also be...more
Beginning Yoga
... than that and is one of the oldest forms of discipline out there. The main idea is the breathing than is involved and the poses that will give you the calming and relaxing you need to become stable and get you into the right frame of mind for you to meditate deeply.Beginning yoga will also go thought the many levels of the yoga itself and ...more
