
How To Use Ayoga Ball


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Want To Improve Your Life? Try Ashtanga Yoga
...of your life. Control comes from personal restraint. Niyama is the combination of joy (santosh), patience (tapa), self study (swadhyaya), purity (shoucha) and love of god (esgwar pranidhan).Yama is to enable us to dwell on the good and honorable of human behavior. This is comprised of non violence (ahimsa), truthfulness (satya), celibacy (brahmacharay), and the ability to stay clear of envy, jea...more
Yoga For Digestive Disorders
...hese exercises will take a week to become completely effective, but you can be assured that you will be completely cured from your gastro-intestinal problems. As a beginner you will have to work towards perfecting your asanas once that it done, you are allowed to practice yoga all by yourself at home.Yoga therapy prescribes several asanas that might affect your digestio...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Yoga and Sciatica
...student is comfortable doing these poses, make sure they are modified to avoid further pressure on the sciatic nerve roots.Poses suggested for sciatica suffers are the cat-cow pose and pelvic rocks. Have students' alternate arm and leg raises while focusing on breathing. These poses and the pelvic rocks can be done seve...more
Understanding the Benefits of Yoga
...ts of the self are harmonized, one can function productively and respond positively to internal and external stimuli.* Enhanced Self-awarenessBefore practitioners got into yoga, they were probably experiencing body or mental pain and discomfort due to various reasons. Those who practise yoga are usually able to recogni...more
Yoga Fundamentals: The Seven Chakras
... these seven chakras can be categorized:Sahasrara - cerebral cortex or top of the head. Ajna - eye brows. Visshudha - throat. Anahata - heart area. Manipura - solar plexus. Svadhistana - lower back or hip, abdomen and genitals. Muladhara - base of the spine.Through the ancient art of yoga you can concentrate your energy to and from the various chakras of your...more


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