
Ball Exercise Picture Yoga


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IBS Treatments
...opy, biopsy, colonoscopy, stool testing and X-ray of the bowels. It is only after establishing the existence of IBS beyond any doubt that the physician can formally start the treatment.There are two medicines, clinically tested and approved, that are available for treating IBS. These are Lotronex and Zelnorm. However, ...more
The Many Benefits of Yoga
...onment, can find harmony and self-healing.Demonstrated Health BenefitsMany doctors consider yoga to have therapeutic results, and recommend it for several illnesses and conditions, mainly related to the nervous system.From the physiological point of view, extended yoga practice can benefit: - pulse rate - respiratory problems - blood pressure dysfunctions - help stabilize the ne...more
Exercise - Is It the Best for Weight Loss?
...ial to your weight loss efforts no matter what time of day you fit it into your schedule. Just remember than engaging in vigorous aerobic activity just before bed time can keep you awake when you want to sleep.The most common types of anaerobic exercise involve working out with weight machines and free weights. Working out with weights is an excellent way to help your weight loss efforts. Whe...more
Yoga Teacher Training: Am I Too Old to Become a Yoga Teacher?
...tha Yoga were simply an exercise class, the value of a “coach” is still worthy of note. The definition of a "teacher" in most languages is, "One who has been there before."When you can teach a Yoga student how to perform an asana technique correctly, but you cannot perform the same asana perfectly, that is a part of being a te...more
Kriya Yoga - Brief History
...zing the event currents of prana and apana within the nostrils and lungs; and to control his sensory mind and intellect; and to banish desire, fear and anger."The Bhagaved-Gita is rumored to have been written more than 3000 years ago.Paramahansa Yogananda writes in his "Autobiography of a Yogi" that Master Mahasaya received his teaching directly from Babaji, the Guru of all gurus. It is rumored...more


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