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Choosing Yoga Clothing - Stop Posing!, is the order of the day!Cold or Hot?This is often an overlooked element, especially by beginners, but keeping your body at the correct temperature is vital for an effective workout routine and could even be dangerous if you ignore it. For this reason, choosing the correct yoga clothing is vital. Shorts and T-shirt are f...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Difficult Students and Fitness Centers
...em fit, when they can see and feel it.Those scenarios are the reasons why some Yoga teachers do not teach in fitness centers anymore. When I teach Yoga to anyone, I want to make sure the students want to be there for Yoga.In a health club, Yoga is just part of a big fitness menu - Like ice cream on an ...more
Pranayama -- The Yoga of the Breath
...rity into your day; it takes only a few minutes and can bring fresh perspective whenever needed. Many people take a few minutes to pause and breathe or meditate before a meeting, presentation, performance, or as a study break; pranayama is useful any time you need to detach from your mind and rest.The breath is the wave upon which yoga postures flow one into the other and is one of...more
Online Yoga Complements Live Classes
...ut may lack money for a monthly studio membership and are bored with their yoga DVD collection, or may have moved beyond it. Let’s face it – in many communities, yoga studios are too expensive for the yogi on a budget so online yoga is perfect – the cost of a membership is less than the cost of a single drop-in class at m...more
Yoga: Three Reasons You Should Not Do Wheel
...pose will be quite a challenge.The Chakrasana has an overall tonic effect for the entire body. It tones the spine by stretching it fully. It strengthens the spine, upper back, arms, shoulders, wrists, buttocks, thighs and abdomen. It stretches the chest and the lungs. It stimulates the cardiovascular system, ...more


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