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Insider Secrets to the Business of Teaching Yoga, Part 2
...e.”It wasn’t always like this. I was guilty of taking little, or nothing, for teaching Yoga, and getting no respect. It could have stayed that way, but I compiled this Yoga business and marketing formula, which will help you avoid my past mistakes and change your attitude about yourself, forever.It started with motivational cassette tapes in the c...more
Yoga for Depression: Blame and Control
...tive-thinking cancer patients.Sometimes, we are blamed for something we had no involvement in. Our reaction is to feel bad about it, but we must develop “thicker skin” and avoid those who would make us the “scapegoat.” When you are constantly harassed by someone; it is not good for your mental health to repeatedly expose yourself ...more
Frequently Asked Yoga Questions
...ill help ease stress. Stress causes you to gain weight and reducing it might help you reduce your weight.How often should I do yoga? A good start would be to go for a 60 minute class twice a week. It is hard to overdo it however and if you could do 30 minutes every day you would be in good shape. A little every day is better tan a lot all at once.Hopefully this article has answere...more
Interested In History? How About The History Of Yoga?
...t’s relaxation and health benefits, and because it is a fun pastime, but it was originally a spiritual quest.It is known for it’s physical exercises which in turn facilitate with increased flexibility. It can also be extremely useful to facilitate meditation. Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years.Some Yoga devotees claim that Yoga history starts with ...more
Practice Yoga for Anger Management
...actice, you may start to realize that an extra cup of coffee could be “digging an early grave” for you. Yoga practitioners are much more aware of their blood pressure than people who do not practice Yoga.Hatha Yoga practice will allow your body to vent anger. Whether you practice a Restorative Yoga style that holds postures, or you practice a flowing V...more
