Yoga And Pilates

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The Health Benefits Of Yoga
...s ways on the different parts of the body. The revitalization and manipulation of the organs for example, in turn helps us by repelling sickness and providing a forewarning at the first conceivable instance of a most likely outbreak of disease or health problem.An example of the complex benefits of Yoga is the uncanny sense of mindfulness of an imminent infection ...more
Yoga for Beginners: The First Step of Yoga Practice
...ple, and Pilates, can trace their ancestry back to Yoga.The “higher forms of Yoga” are said to be Bhakti, Jnana, Karma, and Raja Yoga. Each of these four styles is a complex subject, within themselves, and I cannot do them justice by a summarization.Hatha Yoga sub-styles are the most prolific outside of India. Most new Yoga practiti...more
Kriya Yoga - Brief History
... yourself by going into Samahdi where you will know all knowledge, see all things and be everywhere simultaneously.To try and explain what happens to a soul when he reaches a state of Samahdi, one would have to listen to the story of that raindrop who fell into the ocean, suddenly realizing that he was no longer a raindrop, but the ocean itself.Kriya Yo...more
Yoga Anti-Aging Health Benefits
...g poses which are relatively easy, but to keep going with the goal in mind of attaining their highest possible success. If seniors keep on practicing breathing correctly, flexing their muscles that have not had much use and the various postures that they learn, the rewards will be theirs to enjoy. They should keep in mind though tha...more
Yoga For Wrinkles?
...The Lion”, the mouth and eyes are opened as wide as possible with the tongue sticking out. This supposedly improves circulation and releases tension.In “Satchmo”, the cheeks are blown out like a saxophone player while in “Marilyn” you blow kisses for full and firm lips. These exercises may be combined with a gentle facial massage.“Running through all of the exercises which comprise a yoga facial t...more
