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Tara Yoga And Meditation Center Spiritual Retreat In The Information


...s is translated to mean the union of individual self, the ‘Atma,’ with the universal self, the ‘Paramatma.’ There are different methods to achieve this union. When we say Yoga in the present-day context, particularly in the Western countries, what we aim for is the harmony between body, mind and spirit.From archeological sites dated 3,000 B.C., from the Indus va...more
Yoga Blankets For Comfort And Warmth
...erials. These are very durable blankets which are machine pressed. These are wide enough sheets to do all the required asanas.These blankets can be used for the poses like Sirsansana (headstand), Sarvangasana (shoulderstand), Bikram Yoga, Ashtanga and Savasana (corpse pose). These would provide the warmth needed by your body while doing the poses. ...more
Chair Yoga Case Study - Reduced Anxiety and Blood Pressure
...more balance in my life and help with severe anxiety and other health issues, including high blood pressure.At first I was somewhat skeptical, but I kept coming to class and after 6 weeks I began to notice subtle shifts and benefits. Now if I am unable to attend class I really miss it. My anxiety kicks ...more
The Benefits of Yoga for Children
...d balance and peace of mind. Since yoga is so successful with adults, a natural progression seems to be developing and adapting it for children Yoga Fitness Exercises. The benefits of yoga in young children’s health is promoted by a group called YogaKids International. The website of this large organization is where people can...more
Bikram Yoga
... be the authority on yogic practice. These eight limbs are to be practiced in sequence to achieve its spiritual end. In the modern age yoga came to be understood as ‘Hatha Yoga,’ which practices the third and fourth limbs of Ashtanga Yoga - Asanas and Pranayama.Hatha Yoga, meaning sun-moon yoga, aims to unite the active and passing energies...more
