
Bikram Yoga


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Yoga and Positive Thinking Methods for Anxiety Relief
...a body of water, you cannot see more than a foot below the surface if the surface is in turmoil. About an hour’s drive away from my wellness center, on Cape Cod, there are a number of sand bars, from Chatham to Provincetown. You can easily see them from the cliffs, on a clear summer day.Unfortunately, for sailors of the past...more
Yoga - Practices and History
...ath.The word "yoga" derives from a sacred root of "Sanskrit", which in English means "yoke". The general translation of yoga is a "union of the individual with the universal soul". The diversity of yoga involves many subdivisions, but everyone would agree that "the path to enlightenment" is the best suited phrase for yoga.A common theme of yoga is the practice of concentration. The con...more
Yoga For Healthy Life
...osition 6. Upside down yoga position 7. Back bending yoga positionResearch proved that regular practice of yoga position, breathing techniques has many benefits like weight reduction, blood pressure normalize, immune power increase, increase of concentration, increase flexibility of body, detoxific...more
Yoga - Its True Meaning and Purpose
...a with the physical practice of postures, called "asanas." But this is like saying that your hand is your thumb without any regard for the other four fingers. The physical practice of asanas is just one of eight limbs that constitute the entire practice of yoga…or, to be exact, Kriya Yoga.So what is Kriya Yoga? It’s difficult to explain ...more
Depression Treatment: Pick Yoga over Medications for Anti-depression depression drugs have several side effects which may include nausea, fatigue, insomnia and some sexual dysfunctions.Thankfully, as with nearly any human ailment, at least in its not fatal stages, drug-free healing is not limited to curing any discomfort-including depression and this without these side-effec...more


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